Dear reader,
So, guess what! It's Wednesday! At least when this goes up it'll be Wednesday.
Maybe you guys are like, "but Virginia, it's one of the most boring days of the week, I mean, it's not crappy because it's not too close to Monday and not particularly exciting because Friday is still pretty far off." Well, well, let me tell you, Wednesday means Top 5 Wednesday! It was created by GingerReadsLainey over at the BookTubes and it's a fun thing to do if you enjoy rambling about bookish stuff on the internet.
And this week, oh, is this week interesting! And important! And relevant! And, I'm not gonna lie, pretty intimidating for a total newbie to Top Five Wednesday (like me). This is Banned Books week, a week to celebrate our freedom to read whatever the heck we please without the Government or the Church or whatever leaving certain books out of our reach, and I'm supposed to rate the banned books that I've read from fifth to first. Just a walk in the park for a newbie book blogger, am I right or am I right? (#Not).
There are some people over there who are like, "well if you're going to bother to read non-assigned books you might as well pick one up from the non-fiction section, at least that way you'll learn something" (to these people I send the wisdom of Cher from Clueless, "you're a snob and a half!"). But the thing is, fiction and stories are not just escapism. They can be that, but they aren't exclusively that. If stories were just sweet nothings we read before bed that just put us at ease for a little while and that's it, they wouldn't be considered "dangerous" or "threatening" by the people that are actually dangerous and threatening. If you're going to remember anything at all from this ramble, then remember this: Anything that adopts totalitarianism as its policy on what to think, how to think, what to read, etc. is very, very dangerous and to be avoided at all costs.
Anyway, the thing is, stories are powerful. They have the potential to change the way in which we perceive the world, the way in which we relate to others, the way in which we experience reality. That's why some people and governments and organizations feel the need to ban them and even burn them (ah, the burning of books, the ultimate symbolic act of totalitarianism, "we rule what you think, therefore, we rule you, you're powerless"). We have to protect our right to read anything and everything under the sun because taking books away from us is like taking our freedom away.
(/End of Ramble, I think) Without further ado, here's my Top Five Wednesday. All of these are capital works of literature that I can't recommend enough and deciding on the order wasn't easy, but in the end I settled on putting the books that had the most impact on a personal and emotional level on top. So, here they are:
#5 Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

#4 Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter by Mario Vargas Llosa
As an Argentinian I could not stop mentioning one of the banned books from the Dictatorship that took place in my country from 1976 to 1983, known in English as the "National Reorganization Process" (official name given by the dictators) or the "Dirty War." During the rule of the three presidents that were in office during this dictatorship, the objective was to "purge" the country and reorganize it anew - which of course meant kidnapping, torturing and killing intellectuals, homosexuals, communists, socialists and basically anyone who was suspected of having leftist leanings. Among the many basic human rights that were violated during this time in the history of my country was freedom of speech and thought. There was a list of books that libraries, bookstores and people were penalized for having in stock or stowed somewhere in their houses (and by "penalized" I mean the gruesome punishment I've already described). These books mainly consisted of works such as "The Communist Manifesto" by Marx and Engels or Open Veins of Latin America by Eduardo Galeano (so mainly political non-fiction, if you will). But I decided to look at the list in order to add something from there to this list, and I was surprised to find this novel by Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa. I read it a couple of years ago, and I don't remember it having any communist "subliminal messages" (not that I would have minded at all...). This actually comes as no surprise since the author himself leans more towards the right when it comes to politics. What there was in the book was a lot of slander towards Argentina and Argentinians. Now, I am Argentinian, I love my country, and I also really liked this book. Do you want to know why? Because this book employs a lot of satire. The artistic life of young Marito is compared to that of the Scriptwriter, a sort of caricature that teaches you exactly what not to do when writing fiction. The slander comes precisely from this caricature's mouth, that's why I took what he said in jest, especially after you find out the reason why the Scriptwriter hates Argentina so much (which I can't really state here because spoilers...).
#3 "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson
Again I am kind of, sort of cheating here, since the topic today is "Banned BOOKS" not "banned short stories," but this was just too good not to include. This is a short story written by my dear Shirley Jackson (homegirl says hey from the grave) and was published in The New Yorker in 1948. Up to this date no other short story in the prestigious magazine has met with so much hate as this masterpiece of the genre. For a few months, the offices of The New Yorker were flooded by hate mail and many people cancelled their subscriptions. It was banned in South Africa. This short story manages to be really insightful about how masses and society work in just a few pages with a seemingly simple premise. If you haven't read it yet, it's available for free online and it's really short, so you really have no excuse :) Read it, I'll wait.
#2 The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
On December 8, 1980, John Lennon was shot dead by Mark David Chapman. When the police searched his room at the Sheraton hotel they found this very book in which he wrote "This is my statement," signing it Holden Caulfield (he seemed to identify with the main character of this classic book). Since then, that book has been permanently linked to the murder of John Lennon. Although this novel, like Eleanor and Park, hasn't been formally banned by governments, it has met mixed reactions in various schools, but it has survived the controversy and is nowadays regarded as a timeless classic. This is a freaking masterpiece that depicts what it's like to be a troubled teen like no other. I adore John Lennon and I adore this book, their link is only accidental to me.
#1 The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Of course, I was going to include my favorite book if I could, and here it is. Sylvia Plath's semi-autobiographical novel was suppressed in the late 1970s because it defied the prevailing gender stereotype of the woman as a mother figure before everything else (so glad we outgrew that as a society already! Although I still hear people saying that very same baloney about women being mothers above all and arrrgggh it makes me mad... I have a lot of feelings kay?). In one of the most iconic scenes of the novel, Esther, the protagonist, contemplates the many routes her life can take - she sees her life flourishing as a fig tree with many diverging branches - and she is saddened by the fact that she'll eventually have to pick just one path (isn't that every young adult's life described in a single literary scene? No?). But of course those nay-sayers had to give Esther hell because she didn't particularly want to be a mother. Booh-freaking-hoo. She went on to be a badass. She went on to be freaking
I am going to say it again because I feel I haven't stressed it enough: don't let anyone, ever, have the ultimate say on what you can't read.
On that serious note, have a nice few days and feel free to comment below and share with me whatever random stuff you have in mind. I'll be happy to hear it.
Yours sincerely,
P.S. Here's a link to the Goodreads group of Top Five Wednesday in case you want to make your own. It's fun :)
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